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Franc-maçonnerie : Le Gouvernement secret français est sorti de l'ombre pour sa marche dite "Républicaine" !

Normal qu'il soit sorti de l'ombre, car il s'agit de la République des Francs-Maçons et non pas celle du Peuple Français ! Ils ont donc raison de dire qu'ils sont tous Charlie ou Israël, car leur secte est une secte sioniste ! Chanter la Marseillaise, c'est normal aussi pour eux, car Rouget Delisle était Franc-maçon !

Nous leur devons le coup d'état organisé contre le Roi Louis XVI, appelé faussement, la Révolution Française de 1789  ainsi que l'invention de la République ou L'arrêt public !

Regardez la forme et les jolies pyramides sur leurs blasons !

*- La franc-maçonnerie secte juive - WordPress.com

Livre à télécharger ; ICI

LA FRANC-MAÇONNERIE, SECTE JUIVE la spiritualité et de l'immortalité de l'âme, du mystère de la Sainte Trinité, de l'Incarnation du. Verbe, des intelligences ...

*- Drame de la Franc-maçonnerie : LE POUVOIR OCCULTE CONTRE LA FRANCE ! Un pouvoir au coeur de la république !

* - Livre : La franc-maçonnerie en France des origines à 1815 de Gustave BORD

Influence de la Franc-maçonnerie


Des francs-maçons dans la grande manifestation du 11 janvier 2015

mercredi 14 janvier 2015

Marc Henry, Grand-Maître de la Grande Loge de France, François Padovani Grand-Maître de la Grande Loge Mixte de France et Perry Wiley conseiller fédéral de la GLDF.

Marc Henry, Grand-Maître de la Grande Loge de France, François Padovani Grand-Maître de la Grande Loge Mixte de France et Perry Wiley conseiller fédéral de la GLDF.

Michel Meley, pdt du DH, Catherine Jeannin-Naltet, GM de la GLFF, Marc Henry GM de la GLDF, François Padovani GM de la GLMF

Michel Meley, pdt du DH, Catherine Jeannin-Naltet, GM de la GLFF, Marc Henry GM de la GLDF, François Padovani GM de la GLMF

À revoir article et vidéo ici  http://alalumieredunouveaumonde.blogspot.fr


Toutes les obédiences maçonniques (ou presque) avaient appelé leurs  membres à participer aux rassemblements et manifestations organisées partout en France le 11 janvier 2015 pour répondre aux attentats sanglants qui avaient eu lieu les jours précédents.

A l'image de ce qui se passait partout en France, l'heure était à l'union nationale.

Plus de 4 millions de nos contitoyen(ne)s ont manifesté en France dont plus de 2 millions à Paris.

Il ne s'agissait ici ni de politique ni de religion. Rien d'ordinaire. Il s'agissait des fondamentaux de la liberté, de la démocratie, de la République, du vivre ensemble.

La Marseillaise fut chantée tout au long de la journée et des drapeaux français flottaient fièrement. (Normal : La Marseillaise est un hymne franc-maçon mis en ordre par Rouget Delisle


*- "La Marseillaise", hymne maçonnique ?

Les franc-maçonnes et les francs-maçons ont été des dizaines de milliers à défiler partout en France.

Avec leurs cordons s'ils le souhaitaient (certains les mettaient à l'extérieur pour la première fois...), ou en tenue civile. 

Mais c'était bien l'émotion qui dominait.

Et parfois les rires et les blagues aussi car c'était le moins que l'on puisse faire pour rendre hommage aux dessinateurs de Charlie Hebdo assassinés.

Franc-maçons certes, mais nous étions tous Charlie, nous étions tous policiers, nous étions tous juifs, citoyens de France et citoyens du monde.

Alors je vous propose juste quelques instantanés de cette journée. Juste un témoignage. Avec beaucoup de modestie.

Sans penser que les francs-maçons soient meilleurs (ou pire) que les autres. Parce qu'ils voulaient simplement témoigner qu'en tant que francs-maçons aussi, ces actes de barbarie étaient inacceptables et incompatibles tant avec leurs valeurs qu'avec la République et la Démocratie.

Jean-Laurent Turbet


Des nombreux frères et sœurs place de la République.

Des nombreux frères et sœurs place de la République.


Des nombreux frères et sœurs place de la République.

Des nombreux frères et sœurs place de la République.


Des frères et soeurs du DH, de la GLDF et de la GLFF entourent Denise Oberlin, ancienne Grande Maîtresse de la GLFF.

Des frères et soeurs du DH, de la GLDF et de la GLFF entourent Denise Oberlin, ancienne Grande Maîtresse de la GLFF.


Des frères parmi la foule.

Des frères parmi la foule.


Un frère de la GLDF avec son cordon de Maître Maçon.

Un frère de la GLDF avec son cordon de Maître Maçon.


Cordons et drapeaux français.

Cordons et drapeaux français.


Sérénité et patriotisme.

Sérénité et patriotisme.


Les frères chantent la Marseillaise.

Les frères chantent la Marseillaise.


Jean-Gabriel, conseiller fédéral de la GLDF.

Jean-Gabriel, conseiller fédéral de la GLDF.


Une foule compacte.

Une foule compacte.


Jean-Gabriel et Marcel Belmin, conseillers fédéraux de la GLDF.

Jean-Gabriel et Marcel Belmin, conseillers fédéraux de la GLDF.


Ronan Loaëc, conseiller de l'Ordre du GODF.

Ronan Loaëc, conseiller de l'Ordre du GODF.


Des frères et sœurs parmi la foule.

Des frères et sœurs parmi la foule.


Ronan Loaëc (GODF) et Jean-Michel Dardour (GLDF et pdt de FM&S) défilent ensemble pour la Liberté et la Démocratie.

Ronan Loaëc (GODF) et Jean-Michel Dardour (GLDF et pdt de FM&S) défilent ensemble pour la Liberté et la Démocratie.


Un tireur d'élite de la Police Nationale. Acclamé par la foule au cri de "Merci"!

Un tireur d'élite de la Police Nationale. Acclamé par la foule au cri de "Merci"!


Un cortège impressionnant.

Un cortège impressionnant.


Des drapeaux français volent au vent.

Des drapeaux français volent au vent.


Des cordons en nombre dans la foule.

Des cordons en nombre dans la foule.


Jean-Michel et Georges marchent en silence.

Jean-Michel et Georges marchent en silence.


Yvette Ramon GM international du DH et Jean-Raphaël Notton (GLDF).

Yvette Ramon GM international du DH et Jean-Raphaël Notton (GLDF).


Merci à Ronan pour cette photo.

Merci à Ronan pour cette photo.


Les frères et sœurs ont bien du mal à former un cortège compte-tenu de la foule. Gérard organise...

Les frères et sœurs ont bien du mal à former un cortège compte-tenu de la foule. Gérard organise...


Gérard Contremoulin (GODF) ancien conseiller de l'Ordre, fondateur du blog "Sous la Voûte étoilée".

Gérard Contremoulin (GODF) ancien conseiller de l'Ordre, fondateur du blog "Sous la Voûte étoilée".


Norman Finkelstein réagit à l’affaire Charl/Israël Hebdo : « Je suis…Gaza »

Norman Finkelstein réagit à l’affaire Charlie Hebdo : « Je suis…Gaza »


Norman Finkelstein

 Dans les trois « posts » réunis ci-dessous, Norman G. Finkelstein, historien et politologue américain, référence internationale sur le conflit israélo-palestinien, réagit à l’affaire « Charlie Hebdo » de manière brève mais éloquente.

Juif, enfant de rescapés du ghetto de Varsovie et d’Auschwitz, le reste de sa famille ayant disparu dans les camps nazis, Norman Finkelstein avait déjà dénoncé l’incroyable arriération de la France en ce qui concerne l’éveil politique et la liberté d’expression, notamment la liberticide loi Gayssot (cf. cet extrait vidéo comportant le fameux « Que dire d’un pays qui considère BHL comme un philosophe ?! »).

L’engagement de Norman Finkelstein pour la cause palestinienne lui a coûté son métier et sa vocation. Parce qu’il avait minutieusement démonté un ouvrage pro-israélien d’Alan Dershowitz, un BHL américain qu’il révéla comme une imposture, Norman Finkelstein fut victime d’une cabale orchestrée par ledit Dershowitz, suite à laquelle il perdit son poste d’enseignant à l’Université De Paul de Chicago. Depuis, malgré son parcours universitaire exceptionnel (Doctorat à Princeton, Professeur dans plusieurs Universités américaines, auteur et conférencier de renommée internationale), il n’a pas pu retrouver de poste.


Je suis Der Sturmer ?

Par Norman G. Finkelstein

Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/13/ich-bin-der-sturm...

Lundi 12 janvier 2015

La publication nazie Der Sturmer, éditée par Julius Streicher, était connue pour ses caricatures antisémites obscènes.

Imaginez qu’une paire de frères juifs, éperdus de douleur face à la mort et à la destruction qui s’étaient abattues sur le peuple juif, aient fait irruption dans les bureaux du journal et assassiné des membres de son personnel.

Elèverions-nous au rang de martyrs et de héros ceux qui ont choisi de se moquer des croyances profondément ancrées dans les consciences d’un peuple souffrant et méprisé ; de dégrader, rabaisser, insulter et humilier les Juifs à l’heure de leur épreuve, alors que le monde qu’ils avaient connu se désintégrait tout autour d’eux ?

Imaginez qu’un million de Berlinois se soient mobilisés pour pleurer les pornographes politiques.

Applaudirions-nous à cette manifestation de solidarité ?

Streicher a été condamné à mort durant le procès de Nuremberg.

Il n’est pas rapporté que beaucoup de personnes dans notre Occident éclairé aient versé des larmes.


Désolé, Charlie

Par Norman G. Finkelstein

Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/12/sorry-charlie%E2%...

Lundi 12 janvier 2015


Après le massacre de 1000 musulmans par le dictateur égyptien Sissi en un seul jour, le journal Charlie Hebdo a publié ce titre (image de gauche) : « Le Coran c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles ».

Est-ce que l’image de droite, sur laquelle on peut lire « Charlie Hebdo, c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles » est inclus dans la liberté d’expression, ou est-ce considéré comme un propos offensant par le monde « épris de liberté » ?


Je suis… Gaza

Norman G. Finkelstein | 10 janvier 2015

Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/10/je-suisgaza/ 

[Après un périple extrêmement ardu, un groupe d'enfants de Gaza a pu réaliser son rêve et se présenter sur la scène de l'émission populaire Arabs Got Talent, bouleversant d'émotion jury et télespectateurs (voir cet article détaillé).] 

Vidéo postée par N. Finkelstein


(Traduction : Sayed 7asan)

Source: Sayed Hasan




Alerte ! Veterans Today : Les preuves qui accusent Israël sur les attentats du 9/11 sortent aux USA!!!!!


Et pendant que l'on nous occupe l'esprit avec le False Flag orchestré en France, aux USA ont lieu des révélations sur l'implication d'Israël dans les attentats du 9/11/2001 !

On se demande du reste si cette hystérie n'a pas été organisée en France pour sauver Netanyahu et pour masquer les révélations qui sont faites aux USA et qui mettent en cause Charl/Israël !

Et bien sûr pas un mot dans les merdias aux ordres des Illuminati !

Les preuves qu'Israël a commis les attentats aux USA sortent aux USA et les Veterans Today s'en font l'écho et pas seulement !  Avec les pièces d'archives dont vous pourrez pendre connaissance en bas de l'article.

Au préalable lisez ce message qui concerne l'attaque de Charlie Hebdo dont Washington depuis le Pentagone affirme qu'elle n'a pas été commise par Al Qaeda au Yemen  ni par DAESH, et ensuite les preuves qui sortent aux USA de la complicité d'Israël dans les attentats du 11/09/2001 !

- Guerre civile: 22H50 : Washington affirme depuis le Pentagone que les attaques de Paris ne sont ni le fait de Al Qaeda au Yemen ni de DAESH. Ceci est une charge très violente contre Hollande, Netanyahu, Liberman, Cukierman et le chef du Mossad qui se trouvait à Paris depuis le 25 Décembre 2014. Maintenant voici les preuves irréfutables que les israéliens, aidés par la DGSE et le MI6 ont commis les attaques du 11 septembre 2001. Ces preuves viennent directement des équipes gouvernementales américaines ayant été chargées d'enquêter officiellement. Elles viennent de membres qui ont été mandatés par l'administration Bush en 2002 et qui ont rédigé le véritable rapport sur les attaques du 11 septembre 2001. Bonne lecture et faites passer le mot!

Je remercie encore tous nos frères et soeurs pour l'extraordinaire travail fourni de recherches, à lire dans les commentaires, nos alliés et les sites qui relaient les informations. Nous ne demandons pas que notre site soit mentionné mais que l'information utile passe. Pas de copyright en Islam, prenez tout ce que vous voulez, si vous vous sentez menacés, alors ne donnez pas le lien du blog.




Mapping 9/11: The Fort Lee Mystery

Traduction Google de l'Article : ICI

Top investigators are revealing 9-11 suppressed evidence on Israelis involved in multiple attacks


Final Word on 911.wmv



…by Gordon Duff and Jeff Smith, Editors


[ Editor’s Note: Dear Israeli art students and Dancing Israelis, If you have not figured it out by now, yes we know who you are, what you did, who your handlers were, and the key people who did this.

Mass murder is a pretty serious crime. The cork on 9-11 has held well, but starting to wiggle now. You should, too. There is quite a surveillance record on you folks, including Mohammed Atta coming to visit you on a number of occasions.

The dead have lots of friends, not only those on 9-11, but those that followed in country after country, including the Iranian nuclear scientists you murdered and never put a shred of nuclear weapons program evidence on the table during the nuke talks.

We are combing through all the residents at the time of the three jammer buildings below,  and have already named the complex “Israel on the Hudson”. Give our regards to all the JINSA folks. Yes…we know about that, too. Gordon will fill you in below Jim W. Dean ]



“Down the Yellow Brick Road Once Again”


Fort Lee, New Jersey played a key role in 9/11.  We are mapping out, using Google Earth, some of the incidents involved in presenting a rational response to the cover up, both the government version and the amateur “aftermarket” B-grade version.  If you haven’t watched the entire video, please do that now.

George Washington Bridge

All major roadways in and out of New York were to be destroyed on 9/11.  It was these teams, brought in from Israel that included the Mohammed Atta group, confirmed as directly tied to both the CIA and Egyptian intelligence, that were under surveillance by a combined task force that coordinated with local law enforcement.

So, when thousands of pounds of explosives were placed inside the cable anchorage, teams were dispatched to disable these devices as soon as the attack at the World Trade Center began.


George Washington Bridge New Jersey Cable Anchorage where thousands of pounds of high explosives were defused and recovered

George Washington Bridge New Jersey Cable Anchorage where thousands of pounds of high explosives were defused and recovered


Simultaneous to the cutting of the cables, a massive truck bomb, as described in CBS and CNN news reports and police radio intercepts, was to explode (as heard, police reported this truck did explode), taking down the roadway supports, thus dropping the bridge “like a rock,” into the Hudson River.


Roadway supports, George Washington Bridge

Roadway supports, George Washington Bridge

The Tunnels

Both the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels were to be demolished.  We have only one arrest confirmation from the Manhattan side.  NYPD roadblocks at the Lincoln Tunnel chased down a van that did a quick turn-around to avoid arrest.  Two suspects were arrested with weapons and a truck filled with explosives.  Police commissioner Bernie Kerik, recently released from prison, was on the scene with his personal Counter Terrorism Squad to take custody.  They were never seen since.








NYPD road block captures team 2 here with explosives filled truck on 9/11

NYPD road block captures team 2 here with explosives filled truck on 9/11


Fort Lee

Fort Lee is the real staging ground for 9/11. It was chosen for a good reason. News reports from 9/11 have been eliminated from archives, lists of terrorists caught then released at the orders of New York City and White House officials and flown out of the country are gone.  Police who made the arrests, recorded above, are under gag order.


Moreover, a vast support network involved in the preparation, planning and support of the 9/11 attacks, including the many unsuccessful attacks, not only are enjoying their freedom, some are among the most powerful Americans.  As stated, 9/11 begins in Fort Lee, New Jersey.


The “condo and co-op” community there is the home of one of the largest and most politically powerful “Israeli first” groups in America including key members of the notorious organization, JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, reputed to be more influential than PNAC (Project for a New American Century) and far more militant.


An examination of JINSA shows it to be organized in cells like a terror group.

Is it a surprise that the George Washington Bridge, Fort Lee’s primary landmark and the “view” sought by the residents of the highrises chosen for planting the radio jammers, was scheduled for a dramatic demolition on 9/11 with hundreds of commuter vehicles slated for the bottom of the Hudson River?


Fort Lee Mafia

Since the 1930s, Fort Lee has been a “mob town,” with the beginnings of “Murder Inc” and the Albert Anastasia gang and Joe Adonis.  It all began when New York Mayor LaGuardia threw the mob out of New York.  The new George Washington Bridge provided a home for the mob in Fort Lee with gambling clubs lining the Palisades on both sides of the GW Bridge.


The famous Riviera Night Club as seen from the George Washington Bridge

The famous Riviera Night Club as seen from the George Washington Bridge


The fall of communism saw Russian/Ukranian organized crime come to New Jersey, settling in Fort Lee (see Appendix I).  The The Taiwanchik-Trincher group is an amalgamation of Israeli/Ukrainian/Cypriot gangs operating illegal gambling operations throughout the United States with ties to the Romney/Bain financial group. From an indictment in Manhattan federal court:


“The Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization (the “Organization”) was a criminal enterprise with strong ties to Russia and Ukraine. The enterprise operated a high-stakes, illegal sports gambling business out of New York City that catered primarily to Russian oligarchs living in Ukraine and Russia.  Between 2006 and April 2012, the enterprise laundered approximately $100 million in proceeds from their gambling operation in Russia and Ukraine through shell companies and bank accounts in Cyprus; and of this $100 million, approximately $50 million was subsequently sent from Cyprus into the United States. Once the money had been transferred to the United States, it was either laundered through additional shell companies or invested in legitimate investments, such as hedge funds and real estate.

The Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization operated under the protection of Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, who is known as a “Vor,” a term translated as “Thief-in-Law,” that refers to a member of a select group of high-level criminals from the former Soviet Union.Tokhtakhounov is also under indictment in the Southern District of New York for his alleged involvement in bribing officials at the 2002 Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Tokhtakhounov is a fugitive and is still being sought.”


Local Terror Cells Role

In place local assets, some with direct connections to the Ukranian “Kosher Mafia” or

1. Vehicles for hauling explosives

2.  Access to Transit Authority facilities, vehicles and personnel for planting explosives

3.  Cooperation with local condo/co-op security assuring unfettered access to rooftops


The Able Danger investigation, years later, staff gutted by Clinton blackmail cutbacks, tracked a major terror operation to Fort Lee, New Jersey.  There they found the CIA, Mossad and Saudi Intelligence pulling together operational teams, moving vans, “art students” and even a few “dancing Israelis”….



Mossad Safe House Where Feds Say 9/11 Was Planned

The “dancer/art student” groups had a variety of tasks on 9/11, among them:


  • Planting jammers on buildings on exhibit one to block Port Authority dispatchers and first responder radios
  • Plant explosives on the New Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge where the cables are anchored, in order to collapse the bridge
  • Explode a truck in the Lincoln Tunnel
  • Explode a truck in the Holland Tunnel
  • Park trucks with demolition devices in specific parking areas of the twin towers
  • Coordinate with Mohammed Atta and his group


Of the 3 jammers locations shown below, two of those planted were recovered by the FCC and are held in evidence in Houston, Texas awaiting the “waiting until hell freezes over” Grand Jury to reconvene on Able Danger and 9/11.


FBI Sat Across the Street, All 9/11 Planning on audio and video yet suppressed













FBI Sat Across the Street, All 9/11 Planning on audio and video yet suppresse

Many remember the stories about how fire department radios didn’t work and how new radios would have taken care of the problem.  This is the real reason for the radio problems.



The locations on this map were supplied by Jeff Smith who worked at the surveillance safe house and at the FBI office shown above.  The safe house on Tom Hunter road was strategically placed to keep track of the Mossad “art student” rental further up Tom Hunter Road and across the street.


Mohammed Atta's "crash pad" 5 minutes walk from his handlers













Mohammed Atta’s “crash pad” 5 minutes walk from his handlers

Mohammed Atta lived at 215 Main, four blocks over, within easy walking distance of the Israeli facility, the jammer targets and the bridge.  He was across the parking lot from the Port Authority (220 Bruce Reynolds Road) which was within a “golf shot” of the FBI investigation offices.


Jammer high rises as seen from FBI/Able Danger Parking lot

Jammer high rises as seen from FBI/Able Danger Parking lot

The real purpose of the 9/11 attack was much more than taking down the World Trade Center.  Imagine New York City, the WTC “evaporated,” the George Washington Bridge sitting in the Hudson, the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels flooded, hundreds drowned and the city entirely cut off and in full panic mode while police and fire radios were jammed.


Were other attacks on Washington foiled as well?  The White House or Capitol Building targets?

Could martial law have been declared?  Worse?


In the end we got the Department of Homeland Security.  This reminds me of the Len Deighton book, SSGB, a fictional tale of Britain’s Scotland Yard, working for the German SS after Hitler’s successful invasion of the UK. We got the DHS after losing a war with AIPAC. You just can’t make this stuff up!


VT requests that the officers who arrested the Israeli “suspects” with the “thousands of pounds of explosives” (CNN) or who were captured “as the van exploded” come forward. 


We also ask that all the witnesses of the 2nd plane that was allowed to fly out of the US that day come forward, to confirm that it carried the “exiting” Israeli team, encluding the above mentioned ones who were caught. We know who authorized the plane to leave, a key aspect of the operation, including the NY City law enforcement officials the performed some magic tricks that day.



Note: We will continue pulling our full 9-11 update series together for posting on each new article so readers have them in the chronology they were published. It’s been one hell of a ride…Jim W.Dean


Background articles:

The latest:



New 9-11 story, 2014 Archive:


1)  veteranstoday.com/2014/05/20/too-classified-to-publish-bush-nuclear-piracy-exposed/
2)  veteranstoday.com/2014/05/20/nuke-cancer-from-911-revealed/
3)  veteranstoday.com/2014/05/21/doc-submitted-by-russian-intel/
4)  veteranstoday.com/2014/05/22/constructing-the-nuclear-child/
5)  www.veteranstoday.com/2014/05/31/vt-nuclear-education-series/
6)  veteranstoday.com/2014/06/01/nuclear-education-series-dimona-classified/
7)  veteranstoday.com/2014/06/01/vt-nuclear-terrorism-education-series/
8)  veteranstoday.com/2014/06/02/vt-nuclear-education-undeniable-proof-of-911-as-a-nuclear-event/
9)  veteranstoday.com/2014/06/18/vt-nuclear-education-as-the-hammer-drops/
10) veteranstoday.com/2014/06/24/vt-nuclear-education-mossadn-korea-links-mox/
11) veteranstoday.com/2014/06/24/nuclear-roundtable-americas-nuclear-arsenal/
12) veteranstoday.com/2014/07/07/officials-site-thermo-nuke-in-911-demo/
13) veteranstoday.com/2014/07/08/vt-nuclear-education-fission-based-thermobaric-weapons/


Additional supporting material on 9/11, nuclear physics and disclosure issues:



Appendix I

List of recent Fort Lee organized crime convictions:

“Twenty-eight defendants in this case have pled guilty and two have entered into deferred prosecution agreements. The defendants who have pled to date have agreed to forfeit, in total, more than $68 million. The following defendants have pled guilty, and have been sentenced or await sentencing:


  • Bryan Zuriff pled guilty to gambling charges on July 26, 2013, and was sentenced on November 25, 2013.
  • William Barbalat pled guilty to gambling charges on August 14, 2013, and was sentenced on December 16, 2013.
  • Kirill Rapoport pled guilty to gambling charges on August 16, 2013, and was sentenced on December 19, 2014.
  • Edwin Ting and Justin Smith pled guilty to gambling charges on September 4, 2013, and were sentenced on January 21, 2014, and January 6, 2014, respectively.
  • Dmitry Druzhinsky and David Aaron pled guilty to gambling charges on October 4, 2013, and were sentenced on April 18, 2014, and February 14, 2014, respectively.
  • Alexander Zaverukha pled guilty to gambling charges on October 10, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 1, 2014.
  • Nicholas Hirsch pled guilty to conspiring to commit wire fraud on October 16, 2013, and was sentenced on February 25, 2014.
  • Anatoly Shteyngrob pled guilty to conspiring to commit money laundering on October 17, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on June 10, 2014.
  • Yugeshwar Rajkumar pled guilty to gambling charges on October 18, 2013, and was sentenced on March 25, 2014.
  • Stan Greenberg pled guilty to conspiring to commit racketeering on October 22, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 2, 2014.
  • Arthur Azen pled guilty to conspiring to commit money laundering and conspiring to collect extensions of credit by extortionate means on November 5, 2013, and was sentenced on April 9, 2014.
  • Hillel Nahmad pled guilty to gambling charges on November 12, 2013, and was sentenced on April 30, 2014.
  • Vadim Trincher pled guilty to conspiring to commit racketeering on November 14, 2013, and was sentenced on April 30, 2014.
  • Eugene Trincher pled guilty to gambling charges on November 14, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on June 9, 2014.
  • Anatoly Golubchik pled guilty to conspiring to commit racketeering on November 15, 2013, and was sentenced on April 29, 2014.
  • Illya Trincher pled guilty to gambling charges on November 15, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 8, 2014.
  • Ronald Uy pled guilty to structuring financial transactions on November 25, 2013, and was sentenced on March 27, 2014.
  • Moshe Oratz pled guilty to gambling charges on December 3, 2013, and was sentenced on April 9, 2014.
  • Michael Sall pled guilty to interstate travel in aid of an unlawful activity (illegal gambling) and Jonathan Hirsch pled guilty to gambling charges on December 4, 2013. Sall was sentenced on April 18, 2014, and Hirsch is scheduled to be sentenced on May 9, 2014.
  • Noah Siegel pled guilty to gambling charges on December 5, 2013, and was sentenced on April 10, 2014.
  • Molly Bloom pled guilty to gambling charges on December 12, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 2, 2014.
  • Alexander Katchaloff pled guilty to gambling charges on January 16, 2014, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 20, 2014.
  • Donald McCalmont, John Jarekci, a/k/a “John Hanson,” and Abraham Mosseri pled guilty to making a fraudulent tax statement, to failing to file a tax return, and causing a financial institution to participate in a lottery related matter, respectively, on January 24, 2014, and are scheduled to be sentenced on May 29, 2014, May 28, 2014, and May 21, 2014, respectively.
  • William Edler and Peter Feldman entered into deferred prosecution agreements on April 11, 2014.


Mr. Bharara praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the New York City Police Department, and the Internal Revenue Service.


The case is being prosecuted by the Office’s Violent and Organized Crime Unit. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Harris M. Fischman, Joshua A. Naftalis, Peter J. Skinner, and Kristy J. Greenberg of the Violent and Organized Crime Unit are in charge of the prosecution. Assistant


U.S. Attorney Alexander Wilson of the Office’s Money Laundering and Asset Forfeiture Unit is responsible for the forfeiture aspects of the case.



Gordon Duff

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War.He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.

Gordon Duff is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists.He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.

Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries.He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration.Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.

Gordon Duff's YouTube Channel



La réponse des Veterans Today au Show sioniste organisé à Paris ! Zionist Show in Paris-and Netanyahu Will Be There

Sur le show sioniste organisé à Paris !

Traduction Google : ICI 

Zionist Show in Paris–and Netanyahu Will Be There

If Jewish scholar Avner Cohen is right, that "Hamas, to my regret, is Israel's creation," then you can be sure that terrorism was largely created by the Zionists.

by Jonas E. Alexis

"World leaders and politicians scheduled to arrive in Paris for rally on Sunday."

“World leaders and politicians scheduled to arrive in Paris for rally on Sunday.”

Jim W. Dean is probably having a blast over the current news in the media. It has been reported that world leaders are headed to Paris “to attend a ‘silent march’ against terrorism, in memory of the 17 victims of several terror attacks in the French capital over the past few days.”

Surely you can’t make this stuff up.

Netanyahu, arguably one of the greatest political con men in the twentieth century, seized the opportunity to make a Zionist point:

“These attacks in Paris are a direct continuation to extremist Islam’s fight against our culture of freedom and the Western world, actually, against the entire modern world, and also against moderate Arab countries and entire publics in the Muslim world.”

Netanyahu, of course, will be in Paris.

All right. We all got the point: Muslims are responsible for the attack because they are intolerant. They are bad, sad, and mad people. And let us grant Netanyahu the ridiculous notion that the attack is “a direct continuation to extremist Islam’s fight against our culture of freedom and the Western world…”

But let us do some basic math using the Zionist narrative. We are told that 17 people lost their lives in Paris. If this is true, then their families are mourning at this present moment.

Now, let us turn the table around. How many men, women and children lost their lives in Gaza last year alone? Listen to the Guardian:

“In Gaza more than 2,100 people have been killed, most of them civilians, including about 500 children, in the past seven weeks. At least 11,000 people were injured and more than 17,000 homes destroyed or badly damaged.

“Around a third of Gaza’s 1.8 million people have been displaced, many now living in United Nations shelters. Schools, hospitals, factories, farms, mosques and infrastructure such as power and water plants were hit. Reconstruction could take up to 10 years, say analysts.

“On the Israeli side 64 soldiers died along with six civilians including a four-year-old boy. Hundreds of families relocated from homes near the Gaza border to safer areas further north.”[1]

UN Official Breaks Down Over Shelled Gaza School

Reporter Breaks Down while Reporting on Israeli
Killing of Palestinian Children‬ in Gaza

IDF General's Son: If Israel Doesn't Like Rockets,
Decolonize Palestine | Interview with Miko Peled

John Kerry himself made it clear that Israel’s carnage in Gaza was “a hell of a pinpoint operation.”The Huffington Post said, “Kerry [was] apparently unaware he was being recorded.”

Kerry, talking to his aid, continued, “We’ve got to get over there … I think…we ought to go tonight. I think it’s crazy to be sitting around.”[2]

Let us not forget that this is not the first that the Israelis have done this:

Gaza Under Attack. Real Footage !!

Gaza is still a concentration camp. “You cannot keep 1.8 million Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip in this huge prison,” said Palestinian U.N. ambassador Riyad Mansour last year. “That is a recipe for disaster. It is inhumane, and it has to be stopped and it has to be lifted.”[3]

The simple question is this: will world leaders head to Gaza and demand that Israel end the occupation? Will they pick up a history book on Israel’s terrorism?[4] Will they discuss the Levon Affair? How about the USS Liberty incident?[5]

If the answer is a resounding no, then you can be sure that if whatever happened or didn’t happen in Paris last week will be in Israel’s favor. Jewish scholar Avner Cohen was right, “Hamas, to my regret, is Israel’s creation.”


[1] Harriet Sherwood and Hazem Balousha, “Gaza ceasefire: Israel and Palestinians agree to halt weeks of fighting,” Guardian, August 27, 2014.

[2] “John Kerry’s Hot Mic Reaction To Gaza: ‘Hell Of A Pinpoint Operation,’” Huffington Post, July 7, 2014.

[3] Yousef Al-Helou, Jennifer Collins and John Bacon, “Holiday brings no respite from death in Gaza, Israel,” USA Today, July 29, 2014.

[4] See for example Ami Pedahzur and Arie Perlinger, Jewish Terrorism in Israel (New York: Columbia University Press, 2009).

[5] I’ve had the opportunity to contact one of the men onboard the ship and he declared that the Israelis did it deliberately.  Readers are encouraged to check out his book. James M. Ennes, Jr., Assault on the Liberty: The True Story of How the Israelis Attack on an American Intelligence Ship (New York: Random, 1979).

Jonas E. Alexis

Jonas E. Alexis studied mathematics and philosophy as an undergraduate at Palm Beach Atlantic University and has a master's degree in education from Grand Canyon University.

Some of his main interests include the history of Christianity, U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book ,
Christianity & Rabbinic Judaism: A History of Conflict Between Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism from the first Century to the Twenty-first Century.

He is currently teaching mathematics in South Korea. He plays soccer and basketball in his spare time. He is also a cyclist. He is currently writing a book tentatively titled Zionism and the West.

Alexis welcomes comments, letters, and queries in order to advance, explain, and expound rational and logical discussion on issues such as the Israel/Palestine conflict, the history of Christianity, and the history of ideas.

In the interest of maintaining a civil forum, Alexis asks that all queries be appropriately respectful and maintain a level of civility. As the saying goes, “iron sharpens iron,” and the best way to sharpen one’s mind is through constructive criticism, good and bad.

However, Alexis has no patience with name-calling and ad hominem attack. He has deliberately ignored many queries and irrational individuals in the past for this specific reason—and he will continue to abide by this policy.



Chemtrails : la guerre secrète

Tout est bon pour nous empoissonner et pour nous éliminer !

En septembre 2014, Jacques Daidié est parti à la rencontre, en Italie de Rosario Marciano, militant connu contre la géo-ingénierie, créateur du site www.tankerenemy.com, et de sa famille. Le présent travail est né de cette rencontre. L'association Ciel voilé remercie Rosario Marciano pour son autorisation de sous-titrage du documentaire italien dont il est le producteur :"Chemtrails : la guerre secrète". Nous remercions aussi chaleureusement tous ceux qui ont contribué à la traduction : Jacques, Dominique d'Avignon, Marie de Monteux, Sébastien de St Firmin en Valgaudemard et Danielle de Gap.

Documentaire de www.tankerenemy.com
Sous-titré en français par l'association : www.cielvoile.fr.

4 Articles de Tankerenemy traduits par Ciel voilé :





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