Veterans Today : Paris "Charlie Hebdo ": Une autre attaque sous faux drapeau sioniste?
Les anciens militaires et des services secrets US de Veterans Today se sont mobilisés pour analyser le False Flag orchestré par les sionistes en France, le tout commenté par Kevin Barett !
Voici leurs conclusions en article original en Anglais ci-dessous avec la traduction Google : ICI
Charlie Hebdo False Flag Story Goes Viral
We are NOT Charlie! #FalseFlag
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
False Flag Weekly News just finished a special report on the Charlie Hebdo spectacular in Paris:
Also check out the links to the stories we covered.
I also did a special radio show on Charlie Hebdo, including a verbal battle with neocon propagandist Patrick Poole.
Whenever something like this happens, it keeps people like me really, really busy.
It took me about five minutes to figure out that the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris was probably a false flag. So I whipped out a quick blog entry that went viral (almost 15,000 reads in 24 hours). Et voila:
Paris “Charlie Hebdo Attack”: Another Zionist False Flag?
Just one month ago, France set off a stampede when its lower house voted to recognize Palestine. Now Palestine is in the International Criminal Court, poised to take down Israel for genocide.
Suddenly “Islamic terror strikes France.” Is Paris being punished for its pro-Palestine vote?
In late 2013, Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Tribunal found Israel guilty of genocide. A few months later, Malaysian planes started falling out of the sky.
In 2011, Norway’s Labor Party’s youth wing was poised to impose a complete blockade on Israel. Suddenly the entire leadership of the Party’s youth wing was slaughtered in a professional operation falsely attributed to a lone nut, Anders Breivik.
NoLiesRadio produce Allan Rees writes:
They had a camera well placed beforehand to film the attack.
They spoke perfect French
Killed with military precision.
Dressed in military style.
Killed from a target list.
Got away clean.
French President shows up afterwards and then convenes emergency meeting on what measures to enact.
Multiple shooters.
Could this be false flag from French Intel Agency?
Others are calling it a likely false flag here and here.
So far, it walks like one, it talks like one, and it perpetuates the 9/11 false-flag narrative about “radical Islam” like one. So I’m calling it a false flag until proven otherwise.
One thing I missed in the original blog post: The timing of the Charlie Hebdo event was suspicious, not only because it closely followed Netanyahu’s threat that France was making a grave mistake by supporting Palestinian statehood and unleashed pre-scripted Zionist talking points against France’s pro-Palestine position……But also because the Zionists are panicking at the success of European anti-New-World-Order parties in general, and the French Marine LePen/Alain Soral/Dieudonné contingent in particular. This event looks like it was orchestrated to use against Soral and Dieudonné, who had been obscenely attacked in Charlie Hebdo right before the big false flag. Shortly after the Charlie Hebdo news broke, Zionist assets were already tweeting attacks on Soral and Dieudonné as if they were reading from the same pre-scripted list of talking points.Of the many suspicious bits of forensic evidence that Charlie Hebdo was a false flag, one of the most striking was the news that one of the alleged terrorists supposedly dropped his ID card at the scene of the crime! (Shades of Satam al-Suqami’s “magic passport” planted near the WTC rubble on 9/11.)
Then there are the video anomalies. Videos of the supposed execution-style slaying of a police officer don’t feature the blood or blast effects one would expect. VT Editor Gordon Duff has cited ballistics experts who say footage of AK47 rounds supposedly hitting concrete with no visible effect, while the reports lack the echo of life fire bullets.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
23:35 Publié dans Actualité, politique ou géopolitique, Economie, Arnaques, Mensonges, Propagande, Attentats, Terrorisme, Conspiration mondiale, Conspiration, Complot, Corruption, Franc-Maçonnerie & Jésuites Lucifériens, France/Israël/Elections, Les Illuminati-Reptiliens, Les Lobbies et la Politique, Les Maîtres du Monde, Les Reptiliens, Sionisme, Oligarchie, LDJ, USA, Israël | Lien permanent | |
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