Grippe porcine, un prétexte pour instaurer la Loi martiale ?
Fox News: Martial Law If It’s a Pandemic?
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A segment on Fox News’ Fox and Friends this morning explored the issue of whether a swine flu pandemic could result in a declaration of martial law in America and a suspension of constitutional rights.
“If it becomes a pandemic, you could lose some simple rights - like going to the movies,” said host Steve Doocy, before introducing legal analyst Peter J. Johnson, Jr.
“People in our government need to start thinking about how, if this actually becomes a pandemic, how it’s going to affect our daily life and our rights,” said Johnson, before asking if people who try to escape quarantines or refuse mandatory vaccinations would face jail time.
Johnson added that Americans were willing to give up rights in order to “stay alive” but that an orderly discussion of how that would happen needs to take place.
Loss Of Civil Liberties, Martial Law & Swine Flu
09:52 Publié dans Armées Françaises, Armes secrètes, Armes silencieuses, Espionnage, Conspiration, Complot, Corruption, Crimes contre l'humanité, Eugénisme, Grippe porcine ou aviaire, La dictature mondiale, La fin programmée de la démocratie, La Loi Martiale, USA, Israël | Lien permanent | | del.icio.us | | Imprimer | Digg | Facebook | | |
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