Nibiru : découverte le 17 mai 1988 par Robert Sutton Harrington de la NASA (09/10/2012)
Un article paru dans The Detroit News, en janvier 1981.
L'article n'est pas très lisible mais identifiable quand même :
Mieux un autre scientifique, l' astrophysicien Lorenzo Iorio qui a découvert en avril et en mai 2011 que la Lune présente de graves anomalies orbitales. La seule explication possible serait un objet transplutonien massif (Planete X, Tyché, Némesis...). Le problème, c'est que cet astre doit avoir des proportions hallucinantes qui n'ont rien à voir avec les estimations communément admises.
L'orbite lunaire gravement affectée par Nibiru par l'astrophysicien italien Lorenzo Lorio
Son rapport : On the anomalous secular increase of the eccentricity of the orbit of the Moon - 22 avril 2011
Extrait du rapport : 3.6 A distant massive object: Planet X/Nemesis/Tyche
A promising candidate for explaining the anomalous increase of the lunar eccentricity may be, at least in principle, a trans-Plutonian massive body of planetary size located in the remote peripheries of the solar system: Planet X/Nemesis/Tyche (Lykawka & Mukai 2008; Melott & Bambach 2010; Fern´andez 2011; Matese & Whitmire 2011). Indeed, as we will see, the perturbation induced by it would actually cause a nonvanishing long-term variation of e. Moreover, since it depends on the spatial position of X in the sky and on its tidal parameter where mX and dX are the mass and the distance of X, respectively, it may happen that a suitable combination of them is able to reproduce the empirical result of eq. (1).
Let us recall that, in general, the perturbing potential felt by a test particle orbiting a central body due to a very distant, pointlike mass can be cast into the following quadrupolar form (Hogg et al. 1991) UX = KX 2 r2 − 3 r · l 2, (33) where l = {lx, ly, lz} is a unit vector directed towards X determining its position in the sky; its components are not independent since the constraint l2 x + l2 y + l2 z = 1 (34) holds. By introducing the ecliptic latitude X and
On the Anomalous Secular Increase of the Eccentricity of-1102.0212v6
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Lorenzo Iorio
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