SCOOP au Canada ! Les avocats contre la guerre demandent l'arrestation du criminel George BUSH pour le 20 octobre 2 011 et de faire bannir les églises criminelles du Canada ! (22/09/2011)

Et bien sûr aucune trace de ces actions dans la presse française.

Les avocats contre la guerre et la torture veulent faire arrêter Georges BUSH qui devrait se rendre en Colombie Britannique le 20 octobre 2011.

Ce serait un bon début pour éliminer les sectes sataniques des
Illuminati-reptiliens, et leurs organisations criminelles mondiales, les Skull And Bones avec leur club privé aux USA, le Bohemian Club Grove qui connaît d'une ramification en France avec le Club Privé des élites : Le Siècle, et élites qui ne se nourrissent que de sacrifices rituels, de sang versé, de tortures, de guerres génocidaires et de crimes commis contre l'Humanité.

En bref, tous les initiateurs et organisateurs du Nouvel Ordre Mondial.

La lettre adressée par les avocats contre la guerre, le 25 août 2011 à  Stephen Harper - Ministre de la Justice au Canada
Par ailleurs, des peuples se rassemblent au Canada autour d'avocats pour faire bannir de chez eux :

1 -
la corporation de l'église catholique romaine,
2 - la corporation de l'église anglicane, et
3 - la corporation de l'Union des églises Canadiennes,  afin que cessent les trafics et les sacrifices d'enfants.
Bravo à ces groupes d'avocats et à ces peuples courageux qui luttent contre tous ces crimes et rituels sataniques et qui mettent des vidéos en ligne pour dénoncer tous ces crimes.

Public Banishment Order~ Elders Council- Canada - Vidéo




Roman Catholic Corporation" By Canadian Indigenous Elders Council

CANADA~ PUBLIC Banishment Order - By Elders In Council - Inuit, Cree, Metis, Mohawk, Anishnabe, Basque, Gaelic Nations Issued A Banishment Order Under Traditional And Sovereign Land Law Jurisdiction On September 18- 2011. Land Now Forfeited Through The Actions Of Their Rape, Torture, And Murder Of Children Administered By The Roman Catholic Corporation, The Anglican Church Corporation, And The United Church Of Canada Corporation.
Disclaimer: 17 U.S.C. Notwithstanding The Provisions Of Sections 17 U.S.C. And 106 And 107 And 17 U.S.C. And 106A U.S.C. The "FAIR USE" Of A Copyrighted Work For Human Rights, News Reporting, Religion, Politics, Science, Environment, Comments, Criticism And Educational Purposes- Not For Profit- Non Commercial.

L'article ci-dessous concernant la demande d'arrestation de George BUSH
Mettez la traduction Google.

Canadians Seek to Arrest George W. Bush Oct. 20


Canadians Seek to Arrest George W. Bush Oct. 20

Canada Must Arrest George W. Bush if he Enters Canada
by Gail Davidson, Lawyers Against War (LAW)

Vancouver, B.C.  An upcoming planned speaking engagement in Canada by former President George W. Bush is again generating a wave of protest.   Bush is reportedly scheduled to speak on October 20th at a gathering in Surrey, British Columbia hosted by Surrey Mayor Diane Watts. 

But Lawyers Against the War (LAW) says the Canadian government must either bar Bush at the border because of his alleged involvement in torture and other war crimes and crimes against humanity, or order his arrest when he enters Canada both to ensure he is prosecuted here or elsewhere, and to prevent him from returning to safe haven from prosecution in the United States.

In an August 25 letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Canadian Ministers of justice, immigration, public safety and foreign affairs, the group says 'there is overwhelming evidence that George W. Bush …aided and abetted and counseled the torture of non-Americans at U.S. controlled prisons outside the U.S.'

The 7-page letter cites evidence of complicity in torture (and other crimes) from numerous international reports and authorities, including Bush himself: 'In his 2010 memoirs, (Bush) admitted to authorizing the use of interrogation techniques that constitute torture such as water boarding.'

The letter goes on to spell out Canada's legal duty to deny safe haven from prosecution to anyone suspected on reasonable grounds of torture committed anywhere against any persons.”  This is a duty owed not just to Canadians but to all humankind. Barring entry is the first way that Canada can comply with this legal duty.

However, once G.W. Bush enters the country, Canada must then act to ensure that George W. Bush is prosecuted for torture (and other crimes) by either prosecuting him in Canada or extraditing him to a country willing and able to prosecute. Canada's duty to prevent Mr. Bush from having safe haven from prosecution for the many crimes that he stands reasonably accused of, would require Canada to prevent him from returning to the United States.

The August 25/11 letter is signed by Gail Davidson of LAW, and Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois College of Law.

Professor Boyle has filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) against George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleezza Rice, and Alberto Gonzales for extraordinary renditions, which include torture and enforced disappearances, both crimes under the Rome Statute for the ICC to which Canada is a party.

Although the US is not a party to the Rome Statute, the ICC has jurisdiction to prosecute Bush administration officials for extraordinary renditions carried out in states that are party to the Rome Statute. (See at footnote 9, page 4 of LAW's August 25th letter, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving council of Europe member states).

Professor Boyle's ICC Complaint played a decisive role in deterring Bush from going to Switzerland in February 2011 because he feared prosecution there.

About the Author: Gail Davidson is an activist for Lawyers against the War. She can be reached via telephone at +1 738 0338 or by email at

Don't Let Bush Enter Canada: Gail Davidson on Keith Olbermann

Gail Davidson from Lawyers against the war discusses the attempt at barring George W. Bush from entering Canada.



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