Voici un article que nous avons reçu d'un internaute concernant le phénomène que l'on appelle Chemtrails.
Bien sûr ils en profitent par le biais des chemtrails pour tout pucer au passage, la puce RFID ayant été réduite à l'état d'un grain de poudre.


Il écrit: Ce phénomème est RÉEL et ils ont développé des techniques pour épandre via des avions partout dans le monde des virus et bactéries qui mélangé avec le fameux vaccin, va devenir un cocktail explosif et va créer des mutations du virus A H1N1. C'est ce qui s'est passé en Ukraine mais ça arrive aussi chez nous! En fait, cela arrive partout, ils vont vous l'annoncer bientôt dans les bulletins de nouvelles!



This technical article has been written in order to "debunk" what people calls "the Chemtrails" or the "aerosol" operation.

Some of you think it is not possible and some of you think that the phenomena is REAL. Well, we urge you to read this article here that is the result of an extensive study. After that, you will still be able to decide yourself what you want to believe in.


Obame declared recently (this year) that he may fire pollution particles into stratosphere to deflect sun's heat in desperate bid to tackle global warming


Go and see for the complete article:




And now, let's take a look in the newspaper to see what we could find on this topic and what scientists think at:

http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/usatoday.shtml (especially the text in red):





 07.24.06 - CALIPSO's First Images Offer New Dimension to Air Quality and Climate Research
The CALIPSO spacecraft collected its first data recently, a major milestone for one of NASA's newest satellite missions.
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04.28.06 - NASA Launches Satellites for Weather, Climate, Air Quality Studies
Two NASA satellites were launched Friday from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., on missions to reveal the inner secrets of clouds and aerosols, tiny particles suspended in the air.
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04.27.06 - NASA'S CloudSat And CALIPSO Launch Rescheduled NASA's CloudSat and CALIPSO launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. is scheduled for 6:02 a.m. EDT Friday, April 28.
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Pictures showing what NASA calls the "A-TRAIN" which includes several satelites for the study of their "own aerosols" and their impact on the Earth's climate regulation. (Picture available at: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/cloudsat/multimedia/a-train.html )

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Photos montrant la gamme de satellite pour l'étude de l'impacte de LEUR "Aérosols" sur le climat de la planète. La NASA nomme cette ensemble de satellites le "A - TRAIN"



EASTLUND HAARP BARIUM electomagnetic weapons chemtrails.pdf
NASA's Earth Science Enterprise - Chemtrails smooking gun.pdf
Silent weapons for quiet wars - Operating research technical manual TM-SW7905.1.pdf
US Silent Sound Patent.pdf
Pneumonic plague United States Patent 7572449.pdf
Mail Online - OBAMA may fire pollution particles into atratosphere.JPG
NASA - Calipso Clouds Aerosol.JPG
Environnement QUÉBEC - Loi sur la pluie artificielle.jpg





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